No Time To Exercise?

October 18, 2022

When our clients think about why they’re not exercising or moving as much as they should, they often say lack of time is a problem. And we can all relate to that, can’t we? Whether we’re trying to build more movement in our day to help our mobility, fit in 10,000 steps or are training for a big event, finding the time to achieve our goals can be hard. 

So what can we do? 

It’s important to remember that all movement is beneficial. If you’re vacuuming your home, that’s movement. Taking the stairs rather than the lift, that’s movement. If you get off the bus a stop early to walk further, that’s movement. Building movement into your day can start off small and end up big. 

It’s worth having a quick think at the beginning of the week about what your commitments are for the next few days and deciding when you can fit some exercise in, because if you’ve set aside some time you’re more likely to achieve it, and it doesn’t have to take all day. Don’t feel guilty about setting the time aside for yourself to exercise – you are important too! 

Government guidelines suggest 30 minutes of moderate exercise – that’s movement that gets you a little out of breath – every day. At first thought that might seem daunting, but if you have a think about your schedule, you may be able to find that half an hour. How about in the morning, before breakfast? Or your lunch break? Maybe half an hour before cooking the tea or even before bed? We can often find 30 minutes to watch TV or scroll on social media and while relaxing is important, movement is, too. 

Take the time to invest in your health and wellbeing. 

What’s helpful is finding something that suits you. We don’t all have to be gym bunnies! Have you seen the exercises available from Gloji Gym? From chair-based exercises for those with less mobility to HIIT classes for those who want more of a work-out, if you’re a client of One You RBKC & Westminster then it’s free for you to join. 

If you’re enjoying what you’re doing, it’s more likely you’ll stick with it. There are many exercise classes, leisure centres and gyms to choose from if that’s what you fancy, and they’re often a good way to socialise, too. Don’t be put off if your first experience isn’t what you hoped – if you’re not keen on one class, find another. Don’t forget that going for a walk is great exercise, too. If you can get a little out of breath on a walk that’s brilliant, but if you’d like to take it at a slower pace then remember that all movement will help your joint health. 

Remember – One You is here to help, too. We’ll help talk through your difficulties with you and give you support and guidance on fitting exercise into your life. We can give you ideas of what you might like to do and help you set yourself personal goals to achieve. If you’re struggling to find the motivation, we’re here to help. Start your journey with us by filling out a quick referral form here.  

So, even though we often lead busy lives, it’s vital that we take some time to look after ourselves. 

Where can you find some time to fit in movement?