Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Training

The NHS spends £17.9b a year on illnesses caused by alcohol, weight and smoking. Through supporting individuals to make positive changes to their lifestyle and daily habits such as increasing physical activity and reducing alcohol intake, we can significantly improve the health of our communities and reduce the strain on the NHS. 

Our highly rated level 1 and 2 MECC trainings will give you the opportunity to learn more about behaviour change and how to have more productive and positive conversations with others about their health and lifestyle habits, and can be delivered both online and through bespoke sessions to your wider team.


Open Meccs vs Bespoke Meccs

Level 1 v level 2 MECC

Level 1

Level 1 MECC covers the basics of behaviour change theory and conversational concepts. This is a 1hr course.

Level 2

Level 2 MECC is in-depth training covering behaviour change theory with the opportunity to discuss the topics covered and practice the skills you learn at the end of the session. This is a 3hr course starting with a 1hr pre-recorded introduction video, followed by a 2hr Zoom live session with one of our trainers.

The Benefits of MECC


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