Man V Fat

Where Men Lose Weight

Get amazing community support and all the tools you need to lose weight by joining our award-winning weight loss programme, MAN v FAT Football. Over 90% of players who join a league lose weight! Why not join them?

What We Offer

Who We Help

Don’t know your BMI? Use this BMI Calculator.

How It Works


Head to MAN v FAT Football to sign up.


Pay a refundable deposit to secure your place.


One of the MAN v FAT team will be in touch to help you get started.


Start your 14-week programme to take steps to improve your health!

What our clients say...

Latest News

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How to Quit Vaping

People often transition to vaping when they want to quit smoking cigarettes, but what if you’re ready to quit vaping? Here’s our help to do it.

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Smoke Free, Vaping

Vape Myth Busting

If you’re thinking about quitting or swapping from smoking to using a vape / e cigarette, it’s normal to have questions and/or worries. There are lots of inaccuracies and misleading reporting in the media about vaping. The following information is intended to give you the facts so that you can make an informed decision.

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The Importance of Hydration

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National No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness day in the UK, which occurs every second Wednesday of March – This year it is

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