boost your Health

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Surviving Stresstember

Learn how to deal with your stresses this September by reading this insightful article, addressing the importance of Surviving Stresstmeber.

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Smoke Free, Vaping

How to Quit Vaping

People often transition to vaping when they want to quit smoking cigarettes, but what if you’re ready to quit vaping? Here’s our help to do it.

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Smoke Free, Vaping

Vape Myth Busting

If you’re thinking about quitting or swapping from smoking to using a vape / e cigarette, it’s normal to have questions and/or worries. There are lots of inaccuracies and misleading reporting in the media about vaping. The following information is intended to give you the facts so that you can make an informed decision.

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Eat Well, Lose Weight

The Importance of Hydration

We have all been told the importance of keeping hydrated numerous times, by many people, throughout our lives- but has anyone looked into why that

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Smoke Free

No Smoking Day

National No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness day in the UK, which occurs every second Wednesday of March – This year it is

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Stress, Uncategorized

Time to Talk Day

We had “Time to Talk Day” on the 1st of February this year. What is Time to Talk Day? It is an annual awareness day

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Eat Well, Exercise, Lose Weight, Smoke Free, Stress

What Does Wellbeing Mean to You?

The word “wellbeing” can mean different things to different people, based on their personal journey and expectations.   Let’s start simple. What is the textbook definition

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Smoke Free

Second-hand Smoke and Pets 

Second-hand smoke, or passive smoking, that is exhaled plus the “side-stream” smoke created by the lit end of your cigarette. When friends and family breathe

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